Maral Müdok

I work in the fields of communication design, video, performance, poetry, and illustration. 

My artistic practice delves into collective, individual, and unconscious forms of memory and storytelling, emphasizing collaborative meaning-making without strict narratives.

Meine Familie: Queers in der Migrationsgesellschaft

Illustrations by Rüzgâr Buşki 
Editorial Design, 2022

Allahaısmarladık / Maral Rolling Down the Hills of Hessen

You can make a perfect bunny cake from two round cakes by simply cutting and displacing them. There is no waste and no shortage. This recipe is known as universal, but I learned it from my mother who studied “Home Economics and Nutrition” in Ankara, Turkey. A study taught and studied only by women. The bunny cake was baked by her, for all the birthdays of mine and my brother for a long time, until we “grew up”. And falling/rolling hills - much like the cake - is known to be a universal act that you may have done at one time or another until you grew up. Despite the fact that I’m officially (and probably) an adult, I still roll down some hills when I feel like my existence has a lot of extras and deficits. My body - which has a certain organic shape and volume in space - is sometimes too little and sometimes too much. I think of its precision and want to blur it. I have to blur it.
Multi Channel Video Installation, 2.48 min, 2021

Page Three

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Proin Rhoncus enim sit amet
Morbi cons
Aliquam tinci dapib

Page Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut posuere in tortor in cursus. Aliquam iaculis enim sit amet diam pharetra volutpat. Etiam male.

Proin Rhoncus enim sit amet
Morbi cons
Aliquam tinci dapib